Shipping Updates

Last updated 9/30/2024


These are the estimated shipping dates for current books. These dates can fluctuate due to circumstances outside of our control. We are working on submitting sub boxes earlier to the printer to quicken our turnaround times. Currently we are dealing with some delays due to a new law in China that requires all sexual material that includes romance books to be approved by the government to print. 

Please keep in mind that most of our books are also hand signed. This process can lengthen the turnaround time depending on how much time the author needs.


The Shadows We Keep by Cindy Dawson



Camera Shy by Kay Cove



Hitched by Lauren Biel



Dollhouse by Kyla Faye



Possessing Her Duet by Morgan Bridges



The Words by A. Jade



The Point of No Return by Devyn Sinclair

Delayed due to dust jacket reprint. Expected shipping late Oct. 


Spooky Box

Expected shipping early/mid Oct


Better Run by Alina May

Expected Shipping late Oct


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